这周逛 v2 由看到有人发 js 的 this 的题目,然后说能做出来的都得算多少年薪……..个人感觉这种知识大部分都是为了应付面试,而且道格拉斯克罗克福特 说过 js 是最好的语言,但是你要用它 good part.
不过周末正好看到 相关的一篇文章,发出来,比如有时候为什么调用要加 that =this 避免找不到 还是有点作用的毕竟.
If the function is defined as an arrow function
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| const arrwoFunction = ()=>{ console.log(this) }
this 和父级 this 是一样.
- call or apply 不能改变 箭头函数 的 this
Otherwise, if the function/class is called with new
this 被设置成 Object.create(….prototype)的返回值
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| class MyClass{ constructor(){ console.log( this.constructor === Object.create(MyClass.prototype).constructor }
new MyClass()
Otherwise, if the function has a ‘bound’ this value
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| function someFunction() { return this; }
const boundObject = { hellp: "world" }; const boundFunction = someFunction.bind(boundObject);
当 boundFuncton 被调用,this 指向 boundObject
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| someFunction() === boundObject;
boundFunction() === boundObject;
Otherwise, if this is set at call-time
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| function someFunction() { return this; }
const someObject = { hellp: "world" };
console.log(someFunction.call(someObject) === someObject);
console.log(someFunction.apply(someObject) === someObject);
Otherwise, if the function is called via a parent object
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| const obj = { someMethod() { return this; }, };
obj.someMethod() === obj;
in this case the function is called as a member of obj, so this will be obj,the link is broken if the function is called without its object
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| const { someMethod } = obj;
someMethod() === obj;
Otherwise, if the function or parent scope is in strict mode
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| function someFunction() { "use strict"; return this; }
someFunction() === undefined;
如果父级是严格模式,不写’use strict’ 结果也是一样的
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| function someFunction() { return this; }
someFunction() === globalThis;
this 指向全局 this